Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.

Steam Sky

Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Nim)

Another quiet week in the stable version. As always, perhaps it is time to back to dad jokes here. :) Maybe it will help me find something. The whole week was spent on the development version of the game.

And mentioned above the development version is going forward as usual. Slowly. :)

  • The task with updating the game's icons is finished for now. I think I updated all of them. Now they should match the default colors of the better.
  • The main task on the new version of the game's UI continues. I'm still at drawing the game's map. While the map is done, now I'm doing new version of the map's cell's information window. Same as during fun with drawing the map, the most time was taken by finding the proper way to do it. As I finally found it, the work should now be a bit faster. And there were some under-the-hood work with the library used for the new UI.
  • Another breaking change, but this one perhaps will affect only modified versions of the game: the setting for bases' types' colors now accept all values in CSS style, for example names of colors. Previously it was accepting only hex values of colors.
  • The game's data was updated to the new version of the setting mentioned above.
  • Plus as always, some code cleanup, refactoring, etc. things in the old version of the game's UI.

And because four weeks passed since the last development version of the game, time for another. In around 24 hours since this post, it will be available for download.

Nuklear Nim

The Nim binging to Nuklear GUI library

Again, copy and paste from the previous weeks. :) I'm just updating the project with changes done in the Steam Sky. Added some new bindings, some new features too, plus I'm slowly rewriting the C part in Nim.

Beast cleaner

The program for find and remove stalled, unmaintained files on FreeBSD

As mentioned in the previous week. The only change here was the first release of the program. As a program, not a script. :) Well, for now the project is going into sleep mode, while I'm back to work on another one.


The static code analyzer for Nim programming language

And the work restarted here. Mostly to fix some issues which I found when using the program to analyze my other projects' code. For this week, two problems are fixed:

  • Rule namedParams doesn't check for named parameters for type procedures. There is similar problem like with debug or sizeof parameters.
  • The program stopped crashing when it can't find a file declared by the user to check. It now gently stop working with information about not found file.

There are still a few issues to fix, so, please expect a similar report in the next week. ;)

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