Welcome to the weekly development report or what was done in my Open Source projects in the last week.
Roguelike in a sky with steampunk theme (written in Nim)
Welcome to the last weekly development report in 2024. As usual, the last minute things usually have more to report than previous ones. When I played with the development version of the game, I found several bugs in the stable too. As usual, long time nothing and then the whole horde. ;) More details:
This mean, in around 24 hours since this post, the new version of the game will be available for download. We will see, maybe it also fix some weird, random crashes too.
The development version of the game, slowly goes forward as always:
The Nim binging to Nuklear GUI library
Again, copy and paste from the previous weeks. :) I'm just updating the project with changes done in the Steam Sky. Added some new bindings, some new features too, plus I'm slowly rewriting the C part in Nim.
The program for find and remove stalled, unmaintained files on FreeBSD
I almost moved the whole program to Nim. Some work is still to do, but the biggest issue now is the performance of the new version. I will need some time to experiment and to make things faster. Let's hope I will be able to solve problems in the next week.